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About 2CU

Who are we? has been developed to present search results from within the NZ Communities Web Enhancement Trust (CWET) database.

“One Place” for all service data to be shared.

CWET is a registered Community Trust that has a centralised database of non-sensitive service data in New Zealand. CWET provides a safe, reliable repository for all service data and, through 2CU, provides a simple method for modification or updating combined with a comprehensive system of validation.

We believe relationships between CWET and other third parties using an Application Programming Interface (API) to access raw data, in the same way that 2CU is doing, have the ability to enhance every activity within New Zealand.

The History of 2CU

First launched in 2007, 2CU was developed to present a public face for CWET. It is now a network of regional sites that link nationally. The engine is constantly evolving to provide easy access to all CWET data within a community.

Our aims as a partner with CWET

To provide a complete and easily searchable data base of all services in our community regardless of how those services are funded. A single platform to present to consumers all that is available in the community from government, private foundation, charitable trust or other non-profit organisation and to every commercially funded activity.

To provide the search engine freely to both providers and consumers of the listed services and to allow and encourage the listing of data and the sharing of that data.

To encourage listing of community services and agencies that have not previously had a web based presence.

To provide a home for data sets that need to be organised and accessed within a search engine as a free service for tax funded and other non-profit organisations.

To show that it is possible for private and non-profit organisations to work together in a collaborative way for the good of the community.

To confirm the Maori proverb:

Ma to rou
Ma tōku rou rou
Ka ora ai te iwi.
With your basket
And my basket
The people shall prosper.